Photo taken New Year’s Eve 2019

Photo taken New Year’s Eve 2019

I know it’s not technically half way through the year just yet but it’s around this time that I like to check in with my New Years resolutions (that way, if I’m not doing great I have a little time to make changes before we actually get to the middle of the year…). I wasn’t one for resolutions until last year when I really spent some time thinking about them and regularly checking in throughout the year. I took a flexible attitude toward them, allowing myself a lot of grace and changing them as I changed. But I liked have goals I was working towards that I could evaluate. So this year I did the same thing.

I’ll spare you the boring ones (like drink more water) but here are some of my resolutions and how I’ve been doing with them:

QUIT MY JOB I have officially handed in my notice and will be leaving my job at the end of June. I’m both excited and scared (more on that in a future blog post).

SAVE MONEY (BEFORE QUITTING) This has been going well, helped of course by not being able to go out or travel in recent times. I could definitely do a better job of spending less money but I’ve really been working towards evaluating my purchases and being smarter with my money. I’d give myself a B on this.

LEARN NEW SKILLS This is something I need to spend more time on, but I’m hoping once I finish up with my job I will have more time to work on developing new skills. Some of the skills I want to acquire: surfing, playing pool and parallel parking.

BE FREE I like most of my resolutions to be quite specific and tangible because I think that makes them easier to achieve, but one of my 2019 goals was to be more adventurous and it kind of became my motto for the year. I would think about it all the time and say it to myself when I was scared to try something. So this year I decided I wanted to be more free. I would say I’ve been doing an okay job of it but it’s definitely a work in progress. It doesn’t help that we’re stuck inside, but this was more about a mental freedom than a physical one. Sure the two go hand in hand, but I just wanted to let go of who I thought I was and things I’ve been holding onto. This isn’t something I think I’m going to achieve in a year, but just as 2019 was setting the foundations for me to be able to be more adventurous, I hope this year I can lay the ground work for becoming a free person.

I definitely have some room for improvement but over all I think I’ve been doing a good job at keeping my resolutions. It’s good to remember that the point of them is not to make me feel like a failure if I don’t complete them, but to give me focus and tangible steps towards achieving what I want to achieve. Having said that, things are going to change quite a bit for me at the beginning of July, so it’s nice to check in and know I’m on the right path.


