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At the beginning of this year, I made a vision board. According to wikipedia, which is obviously always right, a vision board is “a collage of images, pictures, and affirmations of one's dreams and desires, designed to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation, and to use the law of attraction to attain goals”. I’ve heard people talk about them for awhile now but they seem to have gained more and more popularity at the beginning of 2020 so I decided to give it a go. You’re supposed to put your vision board somewhere you can see it all the time, but I rent and can’t put anything on the walls, so I put mine together in the front of my sketch book. I do look at it quite often though and I’ve just set it as my lock-screen picture.

It’s interesting looking at it now because, despite the fact that we’ve been in lockdown for a big chunk of this year, I’ve actually managed to take inspiration from my vision board in a few different ways:

  • I’ve sailed on Tenacious, the tall ship pictured in the centre of my vision board, and climbed up the mast and onto a yard (see my post all about that here).

  • The laptop symbolises blogging, and I’ve really started putting more time into my blog since lockdown began. I plan to continue to post even more regularly when I leave my job. I also created my first YouTube video (see that here).

  • It’s hard to tell in the picture but the eye image is embroidered, and for me it symbolised being more creative and crafty. I have taken back up embroidery (read more about that here), and have been trying to get away from my screen and do more things with my hands.

I think making a vision board really makes you focus on what you want to achieve and helps you work on visualising those goals. It gives you something to hold in your mind and remind you of what you’re working towards. I kept mine quite small and minimal but you can do whatever you want with it. You can pull images from a website or cut out pictures from old magazines, you could also make a digital one and make it your laptop screen background. You can also add words or even numbers if you have numerical goals for yourself, like how much money you want to make. I made mine at the beginning of the year but I think you can make them whenever you want, whenever you feel you need focus and inspiration. The sky’s the limit!

In my last post, I reflected on my New Year’s resolutions and I think a vision board is a great visual tool to go along with goal setting, especially if you’re a visual person. I would highly recommend making one. I still love mine after 5 months and I plan on making another one next year, if not before that!


