Productivity is a bit of a touchy subject on the internet at the moment. I know a lot of people are really struggling to find motivation and get something, while others are using being productive as a coping mechanism. It's hard to get the balance right. I started off very motivated, but must admit I've hit a bit of a wall the last few weeks. But I do find I feel better when I’m actually getting things done so I've been trying to change things up as much as I need to and give myself options. This post will hopefully give you some ideas about things you could do, if you feel up to it. But remember, sitting and watching Netflix is always an acceptable option. We’re all going through a lot and are going to process it differently, so don’t feel bad if this isn’t the way you’re coping with what’s happening!


I've been trying to stay active as much as possible. Normally, I'm a big reformer pilates fan, a reluctant gym-goer, and an occasional hiker. Unfortunately with the current restrictions here in Ireland, none of those are possible so I've had to be more creative.

Yoga - There are a lot of videos on YouTube, but I've been loving the popular Yoga with Adriene. My favourites at the moment are the 40 minute full body deep stretch and the 7 minute post-run cool down. I'm not very flexible so that's something I've really been trying to work on while in lockdown.

Couch to 5K - You know things are bad when I've resorted to running. I'm not great at it, and I am nervous I'm doing some damage, but I like using the Couch to 5K app because it gives you some structure and tells you when to run and when to walk. I've been going out around sunset, and while I can't say I quite enjoy it yet, it's nice to get some air and get my heart rate up. I've had to repeat Week 2 about 3 times because I still find it really difficult but I'm happy to just get moving. I don’t think you need to pressure yourself to complete the whole program, I’m just doing what I feel able for and we’ll see what happens.

Long walks - I know this is a simple suggestion, but honestly I think getting out for a walk does wonders for the body and the mind. Even if I don’t feel up to cardio or anything too strenuous, I can pretty much always manage a walk. Sometimes I’ll listen to music or a podcast, but I’ve actually been enjoying leaving my headphones out and just paying attention to everything around me.

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I think it's important for everyone to have some kind of creative outlet, regardless of what you create. Even if you don't think what you make is any good, it doesn't matter, it's about the process, not the output. You don't have to share what you make with anyone, I think it's just good for your mental health to express yourself. A lot of people think of painting and drawing as the main creative outlets but there are lots of options.

Film Photography - It's always good to learn a new skill or practice an old one. I've used a film camera in the past but had completely forgotten everything about it! I've a memory like a sieve. Anyway, it's not the best hobby to take up at the moment since I can't get the film developed but hopefully some of the pictures I've taken will turn out okay and it'll be cool to look back on this time.

Embroidery - I learnt how to embroider in sixth class, when I was 11. Somehow, I still remember some of the stitches and decided to try my hand at it again. I wanted something to do that didn't involve staring at a screen, since I spend most of my day doing that. It's a fun way to relax and be creative. I also have a crochet bunny for beginners that I plan to start soon.

YouTube video - I made my first YouTube video. It was really nice to have a project that I could work on and complete. I played around with different video effects and learnt some new skills. It was also nice to get the word out about a charity that I love, especially in the current circumstances. I don't know if I'll make any more but I really enjoyed putting it all together.


Organising - I've organised and de-cluttered everything I own. I find it very relaxing, and if you're going to be spending so much time at home, it's good to have it be in as nice a space as possible. It's also something that'll get you off your screens. I've been trying to clear out my belongings and just keep things that I really love. This time can be seen as a big re-set, and physically clearing out things I don’t need is a good place to start.

Animal Crossing - I know I know, not very original. Everyone has been going mad over it, including my flatmates. I must admit I was #influenced, and asked my parents for a switch lite for my birthday. I've still got a LONG way to go but I've been enjoying it.

Research - Okay this might be a weird one, but I love making notes. I've been thinking about things that I'd like to learn more about and I've started researching them. It's actually quite fun when you know you won't have to take a test on the subject. So far, I'm make some around film photography and tall ship sails. I honestly get so much joy just looking at my notes.

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These are the mains things I've been doing to keep productive. but I've also binge watched Death in Paradise (which is not a good show but I became addicted) and I've started to re-watch Community. Be kind to yourself and don't force anything if you're not feeling motivated. But if you do want some distractions, hopefully this post gave you some ideas of things you can do to fill your time.

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